Linden Font

Sunday 10 February 2013

Sweets for my sweet

Grapefruit cocktail

I'm not a sap, I swear. People who know me would expect I hate everything Valentine's Day stands for: a Hallmark holiday, an excuse to ignore your significant other for the remainder of the year. I'm afraid you're dead wrong. I love the sap, the goo and the pink frou-frou that goes with Feb 14. Look at me, I'm a so deep in this romance I'm inadvertantly busting out sweet, sweet rhymes.

We have our own tradition for Valentine's Day, borne out of the horror that is a fine restaurant on this most romantic day of the year. Tables for two only, set menus and the pressure that comes with forced affection. It's a bit car-crash-esque, so we avoid the places we normally love and go cheap and cheerful. Supper Inn is our hot spot. It's normally full to the brim with students, city workers and oldies and at peak hour, there's a line down the stairs of hopefuls waiting for their table. VBs and some (western) Chinese classics, followed by a rom-com at Russell St cinemas make for a happy Valentine's Day (I'm thinking Silver Linings Playbook this year).

Grapefruit cocktail

Over the next week, I'll give you some recipes from my romance arsenal. Together, we will woo our significant others into submission. One sweet recipe at a time. The will have no idea what hit them. Ahhhh, food manipulation at its finest.

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